Sunday, 15 January 2012

When you are low on clothes and very low on inspiration

We all have days when we look at a closet full of clothes and think 'I have nothing to wear!' But some people really have nothing to wear. It can be really tricky to dress well when you are so limited.   
Photo from

So this is my list of closet essentials. 

- A plain white t-shirt 
- A pair of jeans 
- A simple black cotton skirt 
- A casual summer dress 
- A long sleeve top 
- A formal dress 
- A pair of shorts 
- A cardigan 
- A jacket 
- A t-shirt with some sort of print 

So basically if you have all that you’re fine. If you don't you should probably get some more clothes. Your goal when you are limited (and also when you are not) is to make sure no one thinks you are always wearing to same clothes/outfits. There are three ways to do this…………… 

1.    Experiment
Mix things together. Roll up the sleeves of one thing. Tuck something in. Fold up your jeans to make them ¾ jeans. Have a little bit of creativity. Remember you will learn from your mistakes and also from your successes. 

2.    Accessorize 
You can make something look totally different if you put a scarf on or a n necklace.
Stock up on tons of scarves, bracelets and necklaces.
If you put a printed scarf over a plain white tee it takes it to a whole new level. Different necklaces can make an outfit look totally different as with bracelets and scarves. Even a different bag can change an outfit. 

3.    Attitude
If you are confident with the way you can change something it will seem like it’s changed.

If you do all these things and you still feel like you’re ALWAYS wearing the same clothes then there is only one solution TO SHOP.

Now, this may be hard because usually the reason people are low on clothes is because buying clothes can be expensive and they don’t really have the money to do it.

If you are really quite broke, set yourself a very fixed budget and only shop at the cheaper stores.
Start at the bottom. Start at secondhand stores, charity stores and even $2 shops. Then work up to Target and stores like that. You will be surprised at the things you can buy. Only bring the money you plan to spend. Don’t bring your whole wallet, then you will be tempted to buy things beyond your budget.  

Other ways you can get some more clothes is to organize clothes swaps and ask friends for old clothes (this can sound a bit desperate though).

So, I hope you enjoyed this post. This week I’m going to Melbourne! Which is Australia’s fashion capital. So up on the post agenda is an Inspired by Melbourne as well as a few other surprises. 

Stay wonderful and FAB

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