Tuesday, 29 November 2011

How to get over the feelings of Consumerism (Alternative Title:Getting rid of your 'I want, I want, I want' Feelings.)

The are so many people in our world who want you to buy their products. Buying stuff is truly great. It gives you a rush of excitement, makes you happy and gives you something new to adore and obsess over. The sad thing is, these feelings don't last for very long. And sometimes the purchase doesn't help you or it puts you in debt. So, how can you stop yourself from having the urge to buy so much? 

1. When you have an urge to buy something and you know you shouldn't, go do something free. Maybe a picnic or a walk or a swim.

2. Save up. Don't spend your money on small things.Save it and then spend it on something you really want.

3. Don't buy something for the sake of buying something.

4. When you are about to buy something think if you really need it and if it would be better if you used the money to save up and buy something better.

5. Spend a week without buying anything. This will teach you to appreciate what you have.

6. Donate to charities.

7. Think of people who aren't as lucky.

8. Clothes swaps! You still get the same feelings and don't have to spend a cent.  

I know this is a fashion blog and buying clothes is great but don't do it too much. Save up for that car or that house or that holiday. You'll enjoy it more.  


PS. Christmas is on it's way! I've got a Christmas surprise! You will have to wait and see what it is. 

Thursday, 24 November 2011

A Complete, Awesomely Awesome Guide to Entertaining

I love parties! Who doesn't? But I do agree they can be stressful! So here are tips to having perfet parties that are enjoyable and memerable. 

When I say atmosphere I mean decorations. Having decorations creates a nice atmosphere. Have at least one decoration in your entertaining space that is not usually there. Candles and flowers are simple but effective. Having an arranged centrepiece can also look beautiful. Your centrepiece can be pinecones or a pumpkin or a cluster of candles. 

A theme is important. This isn't a corny theme. It's something like Black and white or Autumn or Floral. Also, send out invites. Paper ones are beautiful.  Placecards add to your theme and also get rid of the confusion of the 'where do I sit' dilemma.  

Theme ideas 

Tips and ideas for a floral theme  
-Have a vase filled with flowers in the centre of your table. 
-Maybe a single flower on a napkin on top of your plate.  
-Have a floral design if you have a paper invitaion  
-Tie a flower around the back of people's chairs  
-Give people a flower bunch, a pot plant or a seed packet tied with a ribbon for a favour  
-Have cupcakes with little sugar flowers on top 
-For a matching menu match with the Bistro menu (see below

Black and White Sophisticated 
Tips and ideas for a black and white theme  
-Black and white candles 
-Black and white ribbons tied on people's chairs 
-Black and white ribbons tied around people's cutlery  
-You can incorporate black and white birds in birdcages as centrepieces or designs on place cards and invites. 
-For a matching menu go for the Formal menu (see below)  

Asian Inspired Theme 
Tips for an Asian Inspired theme.  
- Wooden boat dishes are great for this. 
- Paper lanterns 
- Jasmine Tea 
- Bananna Leaves for placemats. 
- Incense burning  
- For a matching menu choose the Asian menu


So as a hostess it can be stressful but it isn't if you plan ahead. SO THAT'S WHAT YOU SHOULD DO. 

Here's a timeline of when you should do what. 

2 Weeks Before Party (4 Weeks for more formal party) 
Send out (or email, or text) invites. 

3 Days Before Party. (2 Weeks for formal party)
Decide on theme and menu.  

2 Days Before Party 
Shop for everything that won't go off (in other words anything but meat).  

1 Day Before Party  
Make anything that can be made at this point.  

Day of party 
Prepare everything else. 

Other tips 

1. Wear a dress (casual if it's a casual party) 
2. Be super nice to your guests even if you're stressing out on the inside. 
3. Send thank you cards after the party. 
4. Offer them a drink when they walk in. 
5. Finish cooking AND THEN CHANGE 
7. Seem very calm 
8. Have a shower before they arrive (duh)  


Now for my favourite part. Menu putting together. I've found some of my favourite recipes and put them together to make a menu. Click on the word and the recipe will appear.  

Bistro Menu 
Amuse Bouche - Crushed Pea and Artichoke Crostini  
Entree - Crispy Sardines with Lemon and Mint  
Main - Bocconcini-stuffed Meatballs with Tomato sauce 
Dessert - Mini Berry Tarts 

Formal Menu 
Entree - Pumpkin Gnocchi with Spinich Pesto  
Main - Osso Bucco  
Dessert - Chocolate Fondant 

Asian Menu  
Share everything! 
Xiao Long Bao (Soup Dumplings)  
Char Siu Bao (Bbq Pork Buns)  
Peking Duck Pancakes 
San Choy Bow  
Bannana Fritters with Green Tea Ice Cream  

Hope you enjoyed! Happy Partying



Friday, 18 November 2011

Inspired by...................Paddington

Ever wonder how I get inspired? Now you can find out! Each week I will go to a different destination and get article inspiration. You will see the Inspiration and then at the bottom of the post you will see the articles. I've made sure they are al utterly FAB! 


Paddington is a suburb buzzing with culture. You see a huge mix of people; each one individual in their own way. Sometimes you'll see a 20-year-old lady with fire red hair and unique clothes and sometimes you'll see a 80-year old lady who looks straight out of the 50's. Either way I loved going there for my Inspired by post this week. I saw a huge mix of shops and I'll share a few with you. 

Firstly. The Society Inc.  

A place with the weiredest things ever. Horse shoes, old postcards, ribbon and things you just feel like you want to buy even if it proabably won't help you. For those who live in Sydney you can find it at 18 Stewart Street, Paddington.

How fab are these?
Very Fab!!!

Old Fashioned Milk Bottles,
I wish people still
used these.


Then we OPUS. A similar store, it seems a bit more modern though.  

Britan O'clock!
Too bad I don't have an Iphone

That's one of the things I love this month. Little things you don't need at all but feel compelled to buy. I know, I'm such a consumer. But I find pointless things highly entertaining. See other things I find entertaining with 10 Things I love this month which you can find at the bottom of this post. 

William Street next. William street is a street filled with only small bussinesses. I'd say it's my favourite street in Paddington.    Second-hand, vintage and general awesomeness. I went into I Like Birds, a vintage homeware store, Alimentari a fantastic deli and browsed clothes as I walked along. I was Inspired to tell you that it is my firm belief that....... One, Delis are great, Vintage is phenomenal. You can find more about this at the bottom of this post.   

Here are some photo's from William Street. 

Twine interests me. I don't know why.
I Like Birds is 14 William St Paddington. 

And then I went and spent 10 minutes looking at Jacaranda trees and a nice palm. Jacaranda trees are on my 10 things I love this month list. 

Delight in the articles. Here they are! 

10 Things I L.O.V.E this month 

10. Love on Top by Beyonce 
I love alternative but I also like commercial Pop and at the moment I love this song. Catchy but not catchy enough to be annoying.   
Photo from http://cdn.urbanislandz.com/wp-content

9. Sportsgirl 
Vintage is awesome but I don't always have to wear it. It follows the trends. The clothes are unique and fresh. Love it. 

Photo from http://www.thecolonnade.com.au

8. Chocolate. 
It's childish, it's silly, it's unhealthy but this month I'm loving chocolate.   

Photo from http://fsb.zedge.net/content/

7. Googleing Retro Photography. 
You see the most beautiful photos. It makes me want to get a much better camera (I take all my photos on my phone.)   
Photo from http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_a69fUmybQVM/SsIpzwWCIwI

6. Writing stuff down. 
Lists. My day. My feelings. My views on the world. Everything. 
Photo from http://www.cartoonmuseumshop.org/images

5. Objects that are pointless or stupid 
Magnets shaped like apps. Comic book wallets. Gizmos. I ADORE THEM. 
My own photo. 
4. Thinking about Christmas 
I know it's early but I'm obsessed with Christmas. I. CAN'T.STOP.THINKING.ABOUT.IT.  
Photo from http://www.canadiandesignresource.ca/officialgallery/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/blue_yarn_ornament_wwwsplityarncom.jpg


3. Paris. 
I've never been there but I'm constantly looking at it on the internet. I'm going there next year. Y to the ay.  

Photo from http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6199

2. My Handbag 
I keep everything in there. Perfect for me, being so orgnaised.  

Photo from http://ffffound.com/image/2324ac

1. Jacarandas 
This is the only time of the year they're here. They're so incredibly beautiful. Ahhhhh. 
Photo from http://www.clarencetourism.com/media/images/content
Best Vintage Online Shopping 

1. Garry Pepper Vintage  

2. Etsy 

3. Mousevox Vintage  

Why I love delis 

-They're food is fresh 

-They are great for picking up quick meals on the go 

-They make you feel welcome 

-The people there (in my experience) are always nice 

-It smells nice. 

-They have a wide variety 

-It's all healthy 

I could go on forever.  

I hope you enjoyed 

Feedback, comments, any would be appriciated. 


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

How to be Absolutely, Super, Incredibly Organised.

Life is busy. And it's getting busier as we near the end of the year. Sometimes your whole life is a clutter. A big messy clutter. So lets get away from that shall we.  Get prepared for lots of tips. 

1. The Schedule 
Write out everything you do each day on a calender or a schedule. Then stick it on your wall somewhere in your room. Simple as that!  

2. The Handbag 
I have an 'official' handbag. I take it everywhere with me. It has everything I need. My phone, walllet, notebook (see below) , beauty bag (see below), keys and a water bottle. It seriously helps to keep everything in order. Oh, I have everything in seperate pockets which is a good idea.   

3.The Notebook 
It's a good idea to always have a notebooks on hands. I think for each week you should have a to do list page. A remember this and that page and leave a few more pages for notes. Then the next week you start again. Very, very, very handy. You can find the most fabulous notebooks. Look at the one below! 


4.The Beauty Bag  
Ok, you should have an official handbag (see below) and in it you should have what I call a beauty bag. With the essentials. In your bag you'l need. 

-Hand Sanitiser (germs are everywhere) 
-Lip Gloss 
-Lip Balm 
-Lip Stick 
-Foundation powder 
-Hair ties 
-Bobby pins for long hair  

5. The Organised Kitchen 
Ok. Divide your pantry into labelled sections. Put your spices in labelled jars. Have a cleaning spray at your side. CLEAN AS YOU COOK.   

6. The Organised Bedroom
Simple. Make your bed in the morning. Clothes in organised draws.  

7. The Boxes 
Seperate boxes for bills, forms, letters and other paper you may have floating around.   

8. Shop on one day 
I think our day to shop is Sunday. Choose a day when you will shop for essentials and then always shop on that day.   

9. Plan ahead 
Enough said.  

10. Lists for everything. 
List things out. In your notebook. I'm already listing Christmas presents. IT.JUST.HELPS.  

11. Boxes, Jars,  Zip lock bags. 
Everything should be packed away in these kind of things. Labelled. Food, stationery, everything can go in a box.  

12. If you don't need something throw it out  
But you must be SUPER POSITiVE you don't need it. I'm not talking about phones etc. I'm talking bout old clothes, random bits of paper and so on.  

And that's it. 

Stay stylishly ORGANISED and FAB 


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

But I don't know what to wear!!!

Life. It's busy. We do so much sometimes we have no idea what to wear. Here is a guide to what to wear and when.   

To get milk (walk up the street sorta thing) 
Oh yes, I know you want to wear your trackies. BUT YOU SHOULDN'T. The thing is, you have no idea who you will bump into. The lady who interviewed you for that job you wanted, your very critical fashionable friend, who knows? So don't wear them. Instead put on a casual playsuit or jumpsuit or romper (they are all basically the same). Jumpsuits are WAY nicer and I actually think they are comfier than trackies. Acessorize with bangles, a fedora and a satchel.  



The beach 
Kaftans. I love them. They give a toatally beachy look. Wear over swimmers with a 70's floppy hat. Whenever I go to the beach I wear my Kaftan. Maxi dresses look great over swimmers. Or a crochet top with denim shorts. 

Have a look at swimwear and kaftans at 



For doing sport/gym/fitness 
Again no trackies. Instead wear a t-shirt with a witty saying or a famous logo on it. Wear with leggings or genie pants or shorts. Wear sunnies. IMPORTANT! Oh, as for sneakers Nike free runs are the way to go. Or converse but these aren't running shoes.  


For cool t's look at 

Just wear sneakers instead of sandles

A job interview 
So. You wan't to look corporate and sophisticated. The sterotypical look is a white shirt tucked into a pencil skirt. Ugh, not nice. DRESSES ARE YOUR FRIEND. Black ones look the most sophisticated. If you want to dress it down you can put on a fedora or beret. Wear with some gold bangles for a glamerous look.  Wear with some chunky heels.   



High Tea 
I love high tea so I couldn't resist! So. Ever looked at the fashion of the 50's. That's what you're going for. So, some suggestions. A formal floral top and jeans. A pretty blouse tucked into a black skirt (NOT A PENCIL SKIRT). A cream dress maybe with puffy sleeves. A tulle skirt with some sort of simple top and a necklace.  


Music concerts. They are fun. The best thing to wear is something comfy. A pair of skinny jeans, converse or other CLOSED IN shoes a pretty top (I think party tops look great with you know sequins etc) and maybe a leather jacket. You want to look cool.   

Hope you found this helpful. If you want to know what to wear to any other event email me I'd be happy to help. Email me at dandelionamazingblog@gmail.com  
